Renewing the fun of buying and wearing clothes.
For successful shopping you need a clear sense of style and an idea of what you need to complete your wardrobe. We also believe to be able to help choose pieces that will work for the long term and be truly valued in your wardrobe we need to know our clients first. Styling and Wardrobe Management is recommended beforehand but if you have a good sense of style and an awareness of your wardrobe then we recommend a short getting know you session which gives us the building blocks for working together. You can find out about our styling services HERE. The page will open in a new window and so you won’t have to go away from this page.

We offer offline and online shopping options:
Offline shopping
Offline Pre-Shopping:
Saving you time.
A couple of hours pre-shopping by Prescribe makes sure that your shopping trip is time efficient and successful. Armed with our knowledge of you, your style, sizes, shape, colours and shopping list we seek out suitable items in advance putting them aside for you and planning a route to save your time and energy.
Offline Personal Shopping:
Our aim with Personal shopping is to minimise the stress and effort whilst ensuring the client obtains quality, style perfect pieces to complete their shopping list. When necessary items can be pinned and taken for alteration and advice given on the care and wear of fabrics. At the end of the shopping session care is taken to review what has been purchased, any other items required and how to shop in the future.
Online (Pinterest) shopping
Online Pinterest Select
Armed with our knowledge of you, your styles, size, shape and colours we use Pinterest to send you a Selection of Outfits to fit your Wardrobe requirements. You can click through to view the item on the retail site and with close communication we develop a final selection to order from your responses.
Below: A private Pinterest personal styling board (Click to enlarge)
Stylist delivery service
The Stylist delivery service is the ultimate relaxing way to shop whilst getting all the pieces you need to suit your wardrobe and style. Having selected and discussed items From your Pinterest boards, the final choices are ordered by us and we set a date and time to suit you for delivery. We will spend the time with you helping you choose your final selection and work it into your wardrobe. We can pin and take anything that needs altering to the tailors for you too!